Wohooooo my number OnE post ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ yesssss !!
My friend Julie encouraged me to do this blog…oh she also has a blog about fun stuff. you can visit her blog sweet girl charm here ๐Ÿ™‚ interesting stuff going on there.

this post is called ONE because it’s the first one and i like Ed Sheeran’s new song One which is in his new album X. and also because it’s about my number one fave UK artist Birdy after One Direction ๐Ÿ˜€

i chose to write about BIRDY becaus enot so many people know her music. almost none of my friends know her.

Discover Birdy!!!

ย Birdy is an 18 year old English girl who plays the piano and the guitar and also sings.ย she has two studio albums and one live album ( Live In London).

her first studio album was self titled called Birdyย  (2011)ย  and is my all time fave album.


the tracklist includes covers of songs by other artists, her most popular being Skinny Love originally performed by Bon Iver. most of the songs have been played inย  hit TV shows. the songs Skinny Love, Without A Word and Shelter have been featured in Vampire Diaries while Fire and Rain was in Glee. oh Shelter was also featured in Being Human.

here’s a list of some of my fave songs from the album ๐Ÿ‘…

skinny love

people help the people


terrible love

young blood

the district sleeps alone tonight

her next album Fire Within was released in 2013 but i didn’t like it as much as the first. if you are looking to listen to alternative rock this is it.

her song Wings was featured in the season 5 finale of Vampire Diaries ๐Ÿ™‚ remember how emotional that scene was? when Damon and Bonnie got stuck on the other side and it looked like they were going to get sucked into oblivion.

there are a few awesome songs in Fire Within that you must listen to:


no angel

all about you



words as weapons

all you never say

those are the ones i find enjoyable. but you can download the whole album and judge for yourself๐Ÿ’

birdy has also contributed a few songs for movie soundtracks:

Not About Angels & Tee Shirt – The Fault In Our Stars

Learn Me Right feat. Mumford and Sons – Brave

Just A Game- Hunger Games

if you haven’t discovered birdy yet now you have some new music ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ go to YouTube and watch her weird videos โ€ข words as weapons video is quite creeeepyโ€ข

she has also performed a few covers you can check them out in youtube:

Let Her Go- Passanger ( p.s check out his new album Whispers)

A Team- Ed Sheeran (p.s check out his new album X)

to those who play the piano or the guitar: i shall upload some sheet music for some of Birdy’s songs soon ๐Ÿ™‚

to get the full albums:

download here or also use iTunes here

By the way who else is obsessed with Chris Brown’s Loyal?? ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ

Cheers โœŒ

4 thoughts on “ONE”

  1. I like it!!!!!!
    Its good and cant wait to read more…
    Disclaimer: I am waiting for Bastille and Sia posts ๐Ÿ™‚
    And thanks for mentioning me.


    1. hehe julie thanks. i wanted to do BASTILLE first but si you know how i love Birdy. lol. i’ll do it next. mmhhh hadn’t thought of Sia but now she’s on the list! ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. x is on some next level ish!
    On a side note Sia doesnt seem to have any albums out ๐Ÿ˜ฆ but review Bastille.Bad Blood was worth the listen


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